
Art that honors the Lord of Lords,
King of Kings.

"I am intrigued with the single form;
human, animal or still life.
I strive to capture the character and mood of

the subject portrayed at that moment in time.
The orchestrated structure and form of each work
of art provide
a perspective of rarefield
atmosphere and dramatic appeal.  

My work is full of detail and the colours are vibrant.
It is my mission to paint works
of art with a message
to all generations, not just a piece of art to decorate the wall.”

My Testimony - From Police Woman to Artist

Testimony of my adopted son


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Banking detail: Ilse Jordaan,
First National Bank,
Cheque Acc nr 50261168527,
Brackenfell Branch Code 201210


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  This site was updated on 2024-08-17
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